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Press Release 

Follow various press releases prepared by the FAS Press team. If you are a journalist or media representative in search of insights on legal matters and trends, please contact our press office at [email protected]

Impacts of the spot gold contracts´ discontinuation on the Brazilian stock...
Karine Oliveira and João Henrique Batista, from Banking, Payment Methods, and Fintechs, speak to Valor Econômico about the impacts of the termination of trading of spot gold contracts on B3, following...
Using AI as a financial advisor in a 'super app'
In an interview with Olhar Digital, Vicente Braga, Banking, Payment, and Fintechs partner, discusses the possibility of using Artificial Intelligence for financial consultancy and the implications of...
Insurance Risk Securities (IRS): where we stand and what is needed for...
Felipe Bastos, partner of Insurance and Reinsurance expertise, and Pedro Pinho, Banking, Payments and Fintechs expert, have written an exclusive article for Monitor Mercantil on the regulation of insurance...
Regulatory strategies for digital influencers
Ana Thereza Mantovanini Aguiar, of Banking, Payments and Fintechs gave an interview to the newspaper Valor Econômico on the regulatory strategies of ANBIMA and BSM for digital in­flu­en­cers.  View the...
Regulation knocks on the door of the digital influencer
Anbima has published rules for the hiring of digital influencers by entities adhering to its Investment Products Distribution Code and BSM Market Supervision has issued a guidance note to the participants...
Fraud data exchange between financial institutions begins today: what changes?
Pedro Duarte Pinho, of Banking and Finance, gave an interview to Info Money, discussing sharing data between financial and payment institutions about fraud. Read the interview here: Com­partil­hamento...