Elise Calixto Hale Crystal

Elise Calixto Hale Crystal

  • English
  • Portuguese
Social media

Elise has more than 15 year’s experience providing legal services for the most relevant players, by advising in regulatory and contractual matters, also in structuring of energy projects. Solid experience in administrative, judicial and arbitration litigation involving generators, distributors, transmitters and traders.

Recognitions: Chambers and Partners Global (2022-2024), Chambers and Partners Brazil (2021-2023), Análise Advocacia (2019, 2021).

Memberships & Roles

Member of CAMARB's Energy Thematic Committee.


  • 2010 - Bachelor´s degree in Law from Universidade de São Paulo (USP).
  • 2012 - Specialized in Administrative Business Law from FUndação Getúlio Vargas Law School (FGV-Law)
  • 2015 - Certification in Legal Reasoning from Harvard Extension School.