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Portrait ofBruno Bonomi de Oliveira Andrade

Bruno Bonomi de Oliveira Andrade


FAS Advogados
Rua Gomes de Carvalho, 1507
4th floor
Vila Olímpia, São Paulo - SP
04547-005, Brazil
Languages English, Portuguese, German

Bruno Bonomi is a lawyer in the Banking, Payment Methods and Fintechs practice at FAS Advogados.

He has experience in the areas of financial and capital markets and banking law, working in structured financial operations involving receivables securitization instruments (CRI, CRA, CR, FIDC and financial debentures), structured investment funds (FIDC, FIP, FII and FIAGRO), public and private debt issuances (debentures, commercial notes, financial bills) and regulatory consultancy in capital markets to clients from different economic sectors. He has worked on guarantee restructuring and financing renegotiation operations with investors, private financial institutions and development banks.

He also has experience with the analysis of legal structures and regulatory impacts on operations involving cryptoassets and digital finance.


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  • 2023 – Graduação em Direito pela Universidade de São Paulo (USP)
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CVM abre consulta pública para regulamentar novas regras de debêntures
A Comissão de Valores Mobiliários (“CVM”) divulgou, em 26 de novembro de 2024, o Edital de Consulta Pública SDM nº 02/2024 (“Edital”) para regulamentar as inovações trazidas pela Lei nº 14.711/2023 às regras para emissões de debêntures.