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Portrait ofKarina Ribeiro Delarmelina

Karina Ribeiro Delarmelina


FAS Advogados
Rua Gomes de Carvalho, 1507
4th floor
Vila Olímpia, São Paulo - SP
04547-005, Brazil
Languages Portuguese, English

Karina is a lawyer in the Banking & Finance practice at FAS Advogados.

She advises financial institutions, payment institutions, marketplaces and fintechs from a legal and compliance perspective, on matters such as banking, payment methods, civil law, consumer law, foreign exchange, cryptoassets and contracts.

Karina has experience with analysis and structuring of financial and payment products, authorization processes before regulators, mapping regulatory obligations and compliance studies, drafting contractual instruments, negotiation of commercial partnerships, provision of personalized training on regulatory matters, preparation of internal policies, manuals and internal procedures, financial operations and relationships with regulators.

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Relevant experience

  • Coordinator of the Banking Law Center at the University of São Paulo (USP) Law School
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  • 2023 – Bachelor of Laws (LL.B.) from the University of São Paulo
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Banco Central abre Consulta Pública para aprimorar regulamentação de arranjos...
Com a inserção de parâmetros e determinações mais prescritivas na reg­u­la­mentação, o BCB busca melhorar e padronizar as práticas de gerenciamento de riscos, garantindo a solidez, a eficiência e o funcionamento regular do SPB.