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Fernanda Muniz Borges


FAS Advogados
Rua Gomes de Carvalho, 1507
4th floor
Vila Olímpia, São Paulo - SP
04547-005, Brazil
Languages Portuguese, English

Fernanda Muniz Borges is responsible for the Labor Advisory practice at FAS Advogados. With more than 10 years of experience she has been dedicated to consulting in the prevention of liabilities, restructuring, whistleblowing/internal investigations, collective dismissals and business development in compliance with current labour legislation, acting in incentives and executive compensation policy, administrative litigation, and collective bargaining for relevant clients and companies in several areas such as industry, tourism, and advertising. Has also recently been engaged in labor compliance and ESG projects. 

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  • 2011 - Bachelor's Degree in Law from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo 
  • 2014 - Postgraduate Degree in Labor Law from Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo. Dissertation on "Piercing the Corporate Veil in Labor Law" 
  • 2016 - Specialization in Labor Law from Universidade de São Paulo – Largo São Francisco. Dissertation on "Non-competition Clause in Employment Contracts" 
  • 2020 - Master's Degree in Labor Law from Universidade de São Paulo – Largo São Francisco. Thesis on "Arbitration in Individual Labor Law." Advisor: Estevão Mallet 
  • 2023 - Course in Human Resources Management and Labor Compliance from Fundação Getúlio Vargas in São Paulo 
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Publicada Decisão de Con­stitu­cion­al­id­ade da Contribuição Assistencial
A decisão representa uma mudança de entendimento da corte, e gerará impactos não apenas para os sindicatos e empregados, mas também para as empresas que terão que lidar com as implicações dessa mudança.